Upstate NY Babies

NBR WWYD: Neighbor issue (got long, sorry!)**UPDATED**

Ok, a little history. Our next-door neighbors are pretty much obsessed with their yard. They are out there every time the weather is halfway decent. They pick up every.single.twig, she mows like 2-3 times a week sometimes. Their grass actually browns because she cuts it too short and too often. One time last year, she came over to ask my DH when he was going to mow (it had been 1 week), because she claimed there were "little bugs biting her kids".

Another thing is that basically the first time we ever had a conversation with them (about 3 yrs ago), they asked if we would be willing to sell our half-lot to them. This lot is between our homes. It is the only flat portion of our property.  We said we had no interest in selling it for that reason. (Plus, it most definitely increases our property value!). She mentioned that they want to add on to their home but don't have enough room. Fast forward to her daughter's 3rd birthday (this past October), and she asked about us selling it AGAIN! DH felt so awkward and just laughed it off.

Ok, now to the current issue. The past two times she has mowed, she has mowed halfway over on our property! We don't know the definite line, but she is most definitely taking liberties with it, it is very obvious that she is on our side. So my question is...what would you do in this situation? It is difficult because Chelsea and her youngest are the same age, they play together occasionally, and we go to each other's parties. I wouldn't call them friends, but definitely not 'just neighbors'. We've thought about saying something, but aren't sure what to say. We've also considered having a survey done...but that is expensive and could be awkward. But we feel like we should know the actual line before making a huge issue out of it. DH still mows to where we were told the line is when we bought the home. We are concerned they will try to make an adverse property claim in the future and that she is trying to 'maintain' it for that purpose.

Ok this got really long...thanks if you read it! I'd appreciate any thoughts or suggestions!

ETA: DH did some research, and apparently NY changed the law in 2008 to exclude "mowing and/or other maintenance" from the adverse possession claim reasons! So she can mow it all she wants...saves us the work!

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