Upstate NY Babies

FU to Ty's Dev Pedi appt.

Appt went well.  Dr is pleased with Ty's progress.  He wants to keep Ty's Dx the same.  On the autism spectrum but with no specific classification (ei Aspergers, PDD-NOS, etc).  He still thinks Ty is extremely intelligent and will eventually be able to learn through his deficits to become a very success adult.  He surprised me by telling me he is seeing some leadership skills emerging in ty, I never thought of him as a leader.  He also praised me for having a great working relationship with Ty;s school and therapists.  He says he rarely sees school staff and parents work together as a team so well, he said Ty is so lucky to have me as a Mom :-)  He also told me that it is his Dx that mandates services for him and to remind his teachers and staff that test scores mean nothing for Ty when it comes to qualifying him for services because the autism label paves his way.  That is good to know!

As far as the sleep, he gave me some helpful tips.  Also suggested trying melatonin as a sleep aid.  He also suggested I contact a company called Enable about getting a separate OT eval and getting some help controling Ty's sensory processing dysfunction at home.

I have to add, I absolutely LOVE this office.  There was another family in the waiting room and I overheard her say she drove 3 hrs for their appt.  I have to admit, I would drive that as well because they really are great doctors.  Especially since you only go once or twice a year.  They do behavior and developmental disorders as well as genetics.  Also nice since these things tend to over lap.

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