Upstate NY Babies

Growth spurt? Long and rambling


Need some info/advice. My sweet boy has turned into a gremlin overnight...Sad

He was on a pretty consistent sched. nursing every 2-3 hours, usually for 20-30 minutes and napping in between during the day with longer stretches at night, usually 3-4 hours between feedings. He was slowly having more awake time during the day and it was awesome.  Cries when wet/dirty, naked, diaper changes but that's all. A pretty content little guy and I was excited he was developing more of a sched as I feed on demand.

Fast forward to yesterday...Started getting crankier by the hour, eating more often but for less time (instead of 30 minutes, maybe 10 max) and then sleeping for 30 minutes, repeat etc. Then he cried from 9-10 pm, wanted nothing to do with DH, slept fitfully from 11-2 and has been cranking/"snacking"/napping ever since. He literally will nurse for 10 mins, pass out for 30 (only if he is on my chest), wake up screaming, eat again.....repeat.

I feel like I am running on adrenaline and instinct at this point I am so exhausted. Sad  My diet has not changed in the past week at all, no other environmental changes either.

Does this sound like a growth spurt? He will be 3 weeks tomorrow. Any advice or encouragement?

Of course I made the mistake of telling my mom about last night and she immediately started in on I don't know if he is getting enough to eat b/c I BF...BFing is so inconvenient/"unreliable source of food" etc...UGH. Yep, that's a quote.

He gained 12.5 ounces in his first week and is getting bigger every day! I have no support for BFing and I should have kept my mouth shut but wanted advice.


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