Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Sippy Cup ?

I was hoping to get some ideas from all of LOs are almost at the end of the formula days ;-) Yippee!

They'll be 12 mths soon and we'd like to get them using sippy cups more and getting rid of the bottle.  DD drinks from the sippy cup but I don't think enough to drop her bottle.  My DS just likes to bite the sippy cup more than anything.

How did you get yours to transition to the sippy cup and drink out of it more than play around with it.  We just put water in the sippy cup now... so maybe they're not thrilled with what's in it?

And how much does your LO drink everyday? How much fluids is enough? I don't want them to be dehyrated. 

It's not like I'm going to just drop the bottles when they turn 1.. but I don't want to continue on with bottles forever Wink 


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