Upstate NY Babies

Ty's yearly Dev Pedi trip today + blood work

I am armed with LOTS and lots of test results and professional statements from special ed. teachers, OTs, STs, and a preschool psychologist for Ty's dev pedi appt this afternoon.  Hopefully I have a clear picture of ty for the Dr. to make a more solid Dx of Ty.  Interestingly, the one area where he showed the biggest need for clinical intervention was in sleep, which I thought he has been sleeping pretty well lately (compared to his first 2 yrs of life).  I am wondering if he is going to refer us to a sleep clinic, which is what I wanted 2-3 yrs ago but I couldn't seem to make that happen.  I had to grossly exagerate (I lied) his speech delays to get EI in here because no one believed me when I said he was different and extreme.  Now, I actually get a lot of praise for doing that from the professionals at Ty's school.

He will also get another blood draw today for the genetic testing I opted not to have done 6 months ago due to cost.  There is another lab now doing the test that is in-network so it wont cost $1400+ oop!  It is a very in depth genetic test and I think it takes months to complete, another month or so to interpret.  It is 3 vials :-(  I am not looking forward to this.

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