Upstate NY Babies

TGIF!! Weekend plans?

Hey ladies!  Happy Friday!

Tonight: Out to dinner for my sisters birthday, maybe doing the laundry when we get home

Saturday: Out to breakfast, grocery shopping.  The work that we do around the house depends on the weather....we have a lot of landscaping work to do but we also have the future nursery to work on, so we'll see.  No plans at night.

Sunday: More of the same, working around the house.  We might go to a spaghetti dinner benefit for my niece's teacher's 2 year old daughter who is having some medical problems.

Hopefully if the weather holds out DH & FIL will go pick up our furniture for the basement at some point!

Hope you all have a great weekend and that the sun makes an appearance!

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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