Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Rolling eyes & head movement

My DS is 10 months and recently started doing 2 things that I am not sure what to think about.

1) He started to shake "no" when he is full.  He sometimes is doing it so much that he rolls his eyes and then laughs.  It is not like a teenager rolling of course... more like he looks up in the air.   he also occasionally does this eye rolling back thing when he is mimicing faces and talking to himself.

2) When we are out to dinner (but very rarely any other time) he leans his head to the side a lot (almost like he is bashful).   I thought it was just luck that it happened while out to dinner... but it has happened the past 5 times.   I have no idea what would make him do this?

So do your LOs do either of these things?  Are they just normal things or something that I should mention to the doctor at his next apt.

Thanks for answering what is likely a "dumb" question:)

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