Upstate NY Babies

I may have blocked it out, but I don't remember this phase!

Every time I get Molly to sleep this week, and put her in the crib, she rolls over and starts SCREAMING! It is so frustrating! She has always nursed to sleep and once she is out she stays out...but for some reason she will not stay asleep this week! She is definitely teething but I've never had this happen when her other teeth were coming in. Last night I got her in bed at 7:15, and she woke right up. I went in after a couple of minutes because she wasn't just crying she was really worked up. I tried rocking her and she just wouldn't go back to sleep. She ended up being awake until after 10! She has been a 7:15-7:30 bedtime girl for months now...ugh! I just don't remember this ever happening with Chelsea.
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