Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Can add DS to the list of kids with peanut allergies......

This morning decided to have DS try a tiny bit of peanut butter for the 1st time smeared over his bread.  I cut the bread up into pieces.  He literally had like a finger tip amount of peanut butter and within minutes he broke out in hives.  15 minutes later his face was swollen to the size of a balloon.  I had to rush him to emergency.  It was seriously the longest 10 minute drive to the hospital ever!! 5 hours later we are home and DS is back to acting like his old self.  He might still look a little beaten up for his birthday party on Saturday but glad to know he is going to be ok.  This pictures was taken about 3 hours after we got to the hospital. 

 So if any mama's out there have any tips, recipes or websites I can go to for peanut allergies, please let me know. 



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