Upstate NY Babies

Good U/S today

I went in for my u/s today with the dildo cam.  It went really well - the baby is measuring at 6 weeks 2 days.  And we saw and "heard" the heart beat!  Great sound.  The tech said she doesn't know what my due date will end up being, but I will find out in 2 weeks with my dr appt.  She said that it is a bigger window than they like to see due to my lmp, but I am not worried at all about that bc I know I got the positive on the opk late. 

So yay, she doesn't see any more areas where I should expect to continue to have bleeding.  And today I think I might have had a tiny bit of nausea.  It may have been wishful thinking, but I got really excited haha.  Which I know people hate ms, but I hope to have that or breast tenderness or something in the next 6 weeks.  I didn't have anything but bleeding with Ellie, so I wouldn't mind the opposite if it is one or the other!

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