Upstate NY Babies

Holy Crap my neighborhood sucks

DH isn't home yet for me to ask him if I was ok.

Im driving and up ahead of me I see a black girl...maybe 12-14 yrs old walking on the sidewalk towards me.  She keeps looking over her shoulder and walking.  Then I see this older (65ish) white guy running toward her.  I really just notice his face, he looks enraged.  He gets closer to her and she starts running.  This is like right next to my car now.  I briefly think about stopping, but I have dd in my car.  Then I can't shake it, so I turn into someone's driveway and turn around and go back.  So now the girl is still walking and the guy is getting into his minivan. 

She keeps grabbing her stomach and completely doubling over.  And it looks like she is crying.  So I do another turn in someone's driveway bc I plan to ask her if she is ok.  Except b4 I get back to her the guy in the minivan has pulled up by her and is yelling at her thru the window.  And then she gets into his car.  And a million Law and Order episodes flash thru my mind.

So now he is directly in front of me and I called the police.  I told them what happened and the description and license plate #.  Would you have called?  Maybe it was just a family member and the girl was being a bratty teen?  Ugh.  And then they live in our neighborhood (not near me thank goodness).

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