Upstate NY Babies

Confusing, but looking for input

Hopefully I can explain this without it being too confusing...  The playgroup I joined here has 50+ members.  When I started hosting, the same few girls would always come.  They would do things outside of the large playgroup with a small group of girls, who it turns out are all in the playgroup, but just don't participate much with the actual group.  So there's this "small group" that do things together a few times a month.  There are probably 8 of them...2 of them I only see at these events and we don't talk much there even...3 of them I feel like I clicked with more...and the other 3 I really like but it still has that feeling like they were all friends first and I'm still the new girl.  So anyway, another friend of mine offered to throw a small sprinkle for me for Baby Girl.  I was shocked and though tit was really sweet.  I want to invite the 3 I clicked with obviously, but kind of feel like if I don't invite the whole group of 8, they might be offended, but I also don't want them to think I'm inviting them just for the possibility of gifts.  I don't know what to do...  I only invited the 3 girls' kids to G's birthday party, because they are the ones the G remembers and plays with more.  Should I just invite the 3 of them?  Or include the whole group???  We got an invite to a birthday party today in the mail for the little girl of one of the girls I rarely even talk to at our get togethers, so it made me question it.  If you made it this far, thanks for offering your suggestion! :)
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