Upstate NY Babies

For those who have traveled alone with LO

I have been considering a trip to Texas to visit a childhood friend of mine for months.  Actually yrs, I almost took Ty down before B was born.  But this time, I would leave Ty home and take B.  I am so worried to leave Ty, he really is difficult.  but my real question is, I am thinking of traveling without a carseat or stoller.  My friend has a car seat and can pick me up from the airport.  Her five kids are 12, 6, 4, 4, and the little one will be celebrating his first birthday while I am there.  So there will be lots of kid stuff for her.  I would need one lay over, would you try it without a seat or a stroller?  B hates sitting in strollers, but if anything I was thinking a place to set out other stuff.  WWYD?
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