North Carolina Babies

Ronald McDonald Debate

Here's the scoop

Umm, I'm sorry. It's not a clown's fault or any marketing targeted towards kids that there is obesity in children. I think it's utterly ridiculous to blame anyone but the parents for making poor health choices. If your whiny kid is begging for McDonalds and you give in every time and make them fat, that is YOUR fault and can reap the consequences for those choices. If adults go on diets because they hit the drive-thru too many times and are putting on extra pounds is it the company's fault for being on their way to work and having commercials for the new menu items?

No one is making you eat there. No one is forcing the food down your throat. Sure, it's cheap to feed kids at fast food places, but that is the parent's choice. McDonalds is not making you eat there OR making you fat. That is on you.  People are freaking ridiculous.  When is this society going to start taking responsibility for their own actions and quit pointing the finger and issuing blame for their own choices?

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