Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Almost 1 & still screaming at night wanting formula

I feel like we've created a monster by not doing something about this sooner.

C is still waking up multiple times at night.  Typically 2-3 times, sometimes even more.  Lately he's been screaming & the only thing that will calm him down is his bottle.  It has to be formula.  If it's water he just screams louder.  It seems to be getting worse since he's had a cold (going on 3 weeks now).  I sometimes wonder if his throat is sore & formula is the only thing that makes it feel better?

I tried just letting him cry for 5-10 minutes last night but SO had no patience for that & ended up storming off to sleep in the other room.  Funny, since if C gets fussy during the day, SO always tells me to just let him cry.

He's almost 1 & I was really hoping to get him off of the formula within the next few weeks but the way things are going at night, that seems unlikely.

I'm planning to start sleep training tonight & am really hoping SO will help out & not not lose his patience during the process.


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