Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Words of advice...

Looking for some right now, so this morning H wakes up & has green snot hanging from his nose & doesn't eat all his food like he usually does...then he fell while pulling himself up on the end table which resulted in a nice sized goose egg with a little cut on the top of it. I've been checking his pupils every hour or so & that seems fine, but he slept longer than usual for his nap & woke up hot & slightly more lethargic than normal, so I took his temp & its at 100.4, which would usually bother me but the head bump its freaking me out! He ate all but 2 bites of lunch & drank all his bottle. Now he is playing on his playmat & seems fine right now...a little cranky still but I don't know if I should call the Dr or let it play out till the hubster gets home. Any thoughts?
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