Upstate NY Babies

Update on the Botox Mom

Remember the lady who went on TV claiming she gives her 8 yr old Botox?  Yeah, total nut job just got even nuttier!

Botox mom, Kerry Campbell, who went on national television and claimed that she gave her 8-year-old daughter, Britney, Botox injections, could have been lying and making the entire story up for publicity, according to a source with direct knowledge of the situation.

"It's beginning to look like Kerry's claims about giving her daughter Botox injections looks like a hoax, and that Kerry is making the entire thing up for publicity. Kerry is obsessed with reality television, and wants to become famous. Child Protective Services are conducting an investigation about the Botox claims, and at this point, there is absolutely no evidence that Kerry injected Britney with Botox," our insider tells

Britney was removed from Kerry's house over the weekend, as previously reported. Kerry said she was injecting Britney with Botox to help with her pageant career. "Investigators and social workers have been unable to prove that Britney has ever been in any beauty pageants. Britney is now being cared for by relatives, and is doing well," the source says.

If Kerry made up the entire story, "she will be in some serious trouble as far as custody goes of her daughter, Britney. If she didn't actually inject Britney with Botox, that is going to open another element to the investigation. If the mom is so obsessed with becoming famous, and putting her daughter out there like that, her motives and intentions are going to be very closely examined," the informant stated.

There is a possibility that Kerry doesn't live in San Francisco, but in Southern California and goes by a different name, and could have another daughter.

"CPS is trying to just establish basic facts about the case, where does Kerry live, and it appears that she has several other aliases, and she could have another younger child, another daughter. It's very difficult to get a straight answer from her," the source tells us.

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