North Carolina Babies

We found lamps!

I know, I know--you're so relieved to hear this news! Big Smile

I'd (surprisingly) talked DH into these PB ones which I loved, but then I read the reviews about how they have a "Frech cord," where the cord comes out of the socket where the bulb goes, instead of being threaded through the base of the lamp, and it kind of just hangs there. I thought that was weird, and didn't want to deal with that for $100 a pop.. So, those were out.

So we settled on two of these, for much cheaper. I'm a little nervous about the orange color (hoping it's more amber-ish--though we do have some orange in the room), but it was free shipping, so if need be, we can send them back. I hope I like them!


But once these are in, our dining/living room re-do will finally be finished! (well, except for new light fixtures in the dining room and entryway..but almost!) Hooray!



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