Upstate NY Babies


We decided to try and go bottle free over the weekend.  Stella was still getting 1 bottle at night so we would read to her and then she would get her bottle.  We decided to read to her as she got a little bit of milk from a sippy.  It was successful (yay!).

So last night DH says to me "Now that we're bottle free I want to start putting her to bed so that I can read to her.  I ordered a book."  He had ordered The Princess Bride so that he can read a little bit to her each night.  I thought it was totally random that he bought a novel to read to our 13 month old, but it's such a sweet gesture.  Then he got all shocked b/c I told him that I have never seen the movie and now he plans on making me watch it, lol!

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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