North Carolina Babies

How will I ever be able to send her off to college?

We dropped Holly off with the IL's yesterday afternoon, and she'll be there until Thursday night. I already miss her so much! This will be the longest we've been apart. We've left her for two nights several times, but this seems so much longer for whatever reason!

She was such a big girl. When I was putting her in their car, she was like "did you get my suitcase?"...."can I have a hug and a kiss?" She was trying to be so brave, but I could tell she was a little upset--but she didn't cry. Just about tore my heart out!

A few nights of no parent duty (and a date night!) will do us good, and I know she'll have a great time, but I am already ready to get her back! Crying

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My brown eyed girl. :-)
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