Upstate NY Babies

Four more weeks!

I talked to my Dr at my appt last week and she said my induction will either be the 13th or the 14th, but probably the 13th.  So I'll most likely be meeting my 2nd little girl 4 weeks from today!!! I only have 3 OB appts left..

I am excited, terrified, happy, sad.. all at once.. and mostly overwhelmed. We still have SO much to get done.. All the baby clothes in the attic need to be sorted and washed.. i was hoping to get Eve's cold weather clothes out of her closet this week to make room for stuff.. but its not happening.. I just ordered her extra carseat base so it should be here this week so we can maybe think about getting the carseats switched around.. The crib still needs to be raised up and all set up.. and we need to get all the gear from the attic and make space for it.. I want to get my pump refurbished and I have to figure out if I'm gonna use the same bottles or what..   We need to get our double stroller. MIL says she wants to buy it for us but she asked if I could wait til the baby was a few weeks old.. and truthfully i really want to have it as soon as we come home because we can walk in the nice weather.

Haven't even thought about a hospital bag.. and we're still figuring out exactly what our plan is for Eve while we are at the hospital.. My ILs originally implied they were going to keep her for the whole time.. but its not happening anymore because MIL will still have to work.. and my mom can't keep her on the 14th because she is going to see Glee Live in Cleveland (Yes, really..).  I'm sure it will work out but there are lots of funny logistics.. since my MIL won't drive Eve anywhere.. and Eve is supposed to go to school on the 15th which will be when I am getting discharged.


Okay.. that was a looooong rambling vent.. but I just needed to get that out there.

Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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