North Carolina Babies

Everyone have a good weekend?

We did!

We went to a playdate on Saturday morning and had a nice time.  Ben was tired when we were driving there so I knew we wouldn't make it to the end, but it was a nice time anyway.  He was happy as a lark when we got in the car to leave and could not have been happier when we got home to take a nap so I think it was a success :)

Sunday we took him to the toy store to look at bikes and he did not want anything to do with the bikes but he had fun looking at all the other toys.  We stayed for a long time and he played with just about everything.  He didn't want anything in particular so I picked out a toy for him that I knew he would like when we left and I was right, so I was happy! 

Now, I still have to pick out a bike without knowing what fits him best.  We have a classic Radio Flyer trike but he cannot reach the pedals still.  We were looking at the Radio Flyer fold and go and he sat on it for a second but it almost seems too small and I am sure it would not last for a long time so I am hesitant to spend that money.  I just need to get it in time for his birthday.

He turns 2 on Friday!  I cannot even believe it!

My sweet boy :)
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