North Carolina Babies

Ugh - transition to a toddler bed

So...about transitioning to a toddler bed....i guess my dreams of holding off for a few more months are gone!  Ella fell hard out of her bed Friday night.  It scared me to death and her as well.  But I guess not enough b/c Saturday morning - she climbed out, over the gate we had blocking her door and went downstairs.  Aydin was up and they sat and watched cartoons together.  Imagine our shock when we went downstairs and saw them there together.  We thought she was still sleeping! 

So - we decided to change her to her toddler bed for fear of another fall and we put another type of gate up (a smooth surface one).  She climbed over that too. 

I know it's new and it's a novelty, but she needs to stay in her bed and sleep - poor thing was a zombie when I dropped her off this morning.  We put her back in her bed 4 times last night and finally at 5 she climbed in and I didn't even realize it until I got a foot in my belly! 

I am nervous about her taking a tumble down the stairs, but even if I put up a gate, she'll climb over it and really take a tumble.  I guess I could lock her in her room (is that horrible).  Or does one of us sleep in the hallway? 

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