North Carolina Babies

f/u on potty training (no 3 day method)

so we started last weekend with underwear and pull ups when we go out.  He started getting it by day 2.  He went to daycare and we put him in pull ups.  I think he didn't really pee or poop in the potty at school on Monday but started Tuesday.  By Friday he was using the potty more than peeing in his pull ups.  We have had 2 poop accidents!! They are so gross but he seems to only poop in his pull ups.  This weekend he has not had any pee accidents and we've been in and out of the house.  I think we are doing pretty good.  I think he won't figure out the poop until we stop using the pull ups but whatever. I'm not pushing it.  I thought I would update for those that are not doing the 3 day method.
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