North Carolina Babies

CD ladies---Cloth trainers

Holly is still in pull-ups overnight, but she's been sensitive to something in every brand. We had to stop using the Huggies brand due to skin reaction, and Pampers Easy Ups were working for us. But right now she has a pretty bad rash, and I'm assuming that's what it's from, even though she just wears 1 per day. I hope we can phase them out entirely soon, but I'm not sure she's ready. In the meantime, I was thinking of buying a few cloth "pull ups." I don't want just the cloth trainers like the ones by Gerber--I want something that will keep her clothes and sheets dry, should she pee overnight (happens about once a week right now).

Do you have any recs for something like this? She's not a super heavy wetter overnight anymore, and never poops overnight. And I want something that pulls on like undies, so no snaps or velcro. 

I was looking at these.. Thoughts on them, or recs for something better? I don't want to spend a ton--no more than $15ish apiece, since we don't plan on using them a whole lot longer. I figured I'd buy about 3. We do laundry every couple of days. 

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