North Carolina Babies

SAHM's - keeping busy

I will be a SAHM again starting May 3oth and am very excited!  O is staying in school Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:30 - 12:30 so I can do schoolwork, go to appointments, etc.  I have been trying to think of fun things for us to do that are very cheap/free and not too far away.  I know we will spend time at the pool, library storytime, have some playdates, go to the playground, play at the mall when it's super hot, and I want to try to go to some local museums with him, maybe hit the zoo once or twice as a treat.  I just saw that Regal Cinemas is having $1 kid movies on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings starting 6/14, so I would like to try that.  Obviously we will be doing stuff at home like crafts, playing in the sandbox, walks, sidewalk chalk, and all that jazz, so I am really just trying to get ideas of stuff outside the house.  I know there are a lot of SAHM's in the Triangle, so any fun places you've discovered or things to do?
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