Upstate NY Babies

Small Vent

My mom's side of the family is pretty close, but my one aunt who lives pretty far away can be a real PITA.  They beg for people to come down and visit but when you do they are rude, and act completely put out.  They are coming to NY this summer for a long weekend to visit.  Turns out it falls on the weekend of Liam's birthday.  I called her the other night to tell her about the new baby, and she mentioned they were coming and told me that I would probably have to do Liam's party the following Saturday because she wanted to have family pictures done on that Saturday.  ummm ok?  It's like we have to drop EVERYTHING and plan our lives around them.  I kind of thought we might do that anways because more than likely my gender scan will be the following week and we want to find out with our entire family in some cute way what the baby is. Since everyone is scattered we thought it would be fun to do it after Liam's party. BUT STILL!  WTH?!?!  She bothers me.
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