North Carolina Babies

Ugh, another EI!

O had another EI about 3 weeks ago and we had his recheck this morning only to see it is still there.  They had to up him to stronger antibiotics and considering this is his 4th in less than 6 months, they said next time he would need shots and then after that a referral to ENT.  He is allergic to some antibiotics so we don't have a lot of options, and I just feel like they are getting worse and closer together. 

Part of me really wants the referral to an ENT now.  I don't like that he is on stronger antibiotics, and staying on them can build up immunity.  I definitely don't want his hearing compromised, and with his speech issues want to make sure that he can hear correctly and there are no complications.  But, surgery is still surgery no matter how "simple".  I am really torn, but don't feel like waiting months if the outcome will just be the same.  We didn't see our usual ped this morning so I emailed her to get her opinion, but wdyt? 

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