North Carolina Babies

Ok. I need advise from mom's of 2

The bliss is over. My mom was here for 6 weeks and while Keira showed a tiny smidgen of jealousy (asking my mom to put Callie down) we were living in a false reality. She didn't ignore the baby, but she was always sweet and wanted to hold her.

Enter Tuesday. My mom left in the morning and by the evening all hell had broken loose. She HATES sharing the baby with me. She gets really jealous when I feed her and tries to push her off my lap and sit on my lap instead. She also has hit her on the head and kicked her head. I am trying to be extra loving with her and definitely more patient but HOLY SMOKES. 

She woke up Tuesday about 2 hours after she fell asleep in complete hysterics. I thought she may have had a bad dream. It took 20 mins. for me to get her to stop freaking out and hyperventilating. I took her to my bed to snuggle her and put on some TV to get her to chill out. It all started over again when I had to feed Callie and she refused to go to DH and just collapsed on the floor in a heap of tears. It was heartbreaking. After I fed Callie I was able to calm her down again and finally got her back into her bed after midnight. The next day was rough. She hit Callie on the head while I was feeding her and then just cried and cried when she had to wait the whole 10 minutes before I could hold her instead. It's really hard when Callie is crying and Keira is freaking out or I have to fix her lunch, etc.

I know we will all find balance but does anyone have any suggestions on how to help with her being so mean? I do involve her in every way I can. And she still loves to kiss her and hold her. It's just those times when she really wants me and I have to feed or take care of Callie when things get really bad. 

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