Upstate NY Babies

I could get used to this! RE: Sleep!

After a rough week getting Bri to sleep, we put her (and Ty) in bed by 7pm last night, as opposed to 7:30-8.  Bri was asleep by 8 and Ty by 8:30!  The best part, neither of them woke up even one time all night!  YAY!  Ty doesn't wake up much, but he does sometimes have bad dreams Sad  We didn't hear a peep from Bri until 7:30am!  I was concerned around 7 and went to check on her, sound asleep in her sleeping spot!  It was so nice to get a few hours to ourselves before bed, sleep all night uninterupted, then wake up on my own and in bed with DH with no screaming kids to tend to.  I can't tell you how long it has been since I woke up to a quiet morning in bed with DH Smile  I even got to get up and take a shower by myself and start my day with no kids hanging on my ankles!  I almost feel like a normal person today!  Let's hope this is Bri finally turning the corner to a full night's sleep instead of waking at 5am everyday!  This was the age Ty finally got a good night sleep, and his sleep issues were WAY bigger than Bri's.

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