Upstate NY Babies

Sleep help for my little one

I need to get B on a working schedule!  Last night she stayed up until 12:30pm!  Bedtime is normally (not so normal lately) 8pm!  The last couple days she has been wide awake and no where near sleep at bedtime, she hasn't been crashing until about 10pm, then last night well after midnight. With the excepton of today, she wakes no later than 7am. Naps have been sporatic too, she is usually ready and tired for nap at 11:30 but that is when we need to take Ty to school.  She sometimes falls asleep in the car then wont go back to sleep when we get home, usually 12:20ish.  If she doesn't take a real nap, she will crash somewhere around 4-5pm then wont go to sleep at night even if she only slept for a minute.  Oh, she is waking up, so she only slept 7 hours last night.  How would you get her schedule under control?  I can't think of a single thing to get her on a working schedule.  Side note, Ty doesn't sleep much, he hasn't been falling asleep until 9-9:30 (bedtime at 8) and wakes for the day at 6:30, no naps.
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