Upstate NY Babies

Evan had his first forward facing car ride last night!

Haha! He loved it!! Well, ok - my ILs put Evan in a forward facing carseat when he was like 10 months old to drive around the corner from their house to their ice cream store. But I have tried to block that out!!

We had to take the carseats out of the SUV b/c DH was helping a friend move a desk or something today. So DH took him to the park in his car and I took Leah to the outlet mall (we took her seat out after) - which was awesome, I told DH we should split up more often!!!!

We were planning on finally turning him around before out 5 hour car trip to Canada in July...but I think it's time :( But I'm definitely proud of the fact that he did so well as a 2.5yo boy in the 90+ %ile!! I'm glad that we stuck to our guns while everyone was saying "You should turn him forward so he can see!" ...or "Poor kid, he can't be comfortable in there!" ...and all the other dumb comments.


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