January 2012 Moms


Hi ladies...just thought I should introduce myself.  I got my BFP last Monday at 13dpo.  DH and I had been trying for 11 months and had just started infertility testing when we got a surprise positive.  My betas at 13dpo were 39 and at 15dpo they were 96.  I go back again this Wednesday (23dpo) for test and I keep fluxating between feeling like I need to just relax and being stressed about the numbers.

So far my only symptoms have been sore breasts, some cramping, and being more tired than usual (though I am always exhausted this time of year--I teach--so who knows how much is pregnancy related). 

Other than that, I teach middle school, I run (though only twice since I found out because I have been nervous and dealing with a foot injury...).  We also have two dogs (below), Max and Sadie, who are going to be super excited/crazy jealous with a baby.

BFP 5/2/11, missed m/c, D&C 6/13/11
BFP 12/8/11--Little Girl E Born 8/22/12
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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