January 2012 Moms

I feel like anything I do will cause a m/c!

I have been terrified to exercise at my normal level, so I've been slowing that down but even on the elipitical I didn't want to bounce the baby from sticking! Even running up a flight of stairs made me feel like I was shaking the baby around, enough to de-tach.

Then putting on my jeans I took the belt off because I was worried I'd have it too tight over my pelvis. So now I'm pulling my jeans up every 2 minutes and going crazy.

I had several drinks today with caffeine today. Like 4+. I gave up caffeine with my pg with DD but I don't know how I could with a 2 year old I have to keep up with.

I had a "5 Hour Energy Shot" when PG, before my BFP.  Okay, 2 of them over 2 days...

When I was exercising I heard the uncensored version of Ceelo Green's "F-U" and thought this baby's going to change it's mind and decide not to stick with me b/c I exposed it to swear words so early on!

DD weighs 28 lbs and I'm constantly picking her up and carrying her and she's kicked me in the abdomen about 10 times since I got my BFP.

I was "risky" and went down ONE slide at the waterpark yesterday, even though it was on an innertube, I felt guilty b/c someone who's pregnant shouldn't go on rides (but does it count if i'm only 4 weeks??!?!) Ugh...

I know some of these are sillier than others but having a previous m/c under my belt has made me crazy already!  I'm even worried about making the announcement to our family and friends that I will jinx this baby.

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