January 2012 Moms

F/U to freaking out post

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers! I had an ultrasound today and got to see our little munchkin's heartbeat! The doctor said everything looks good and that the spotting is likely due to the placenta burrowing in. Because of my history though, she's having me come in for weekly ultrasounds for the next month. I'm SO relieved. The kinda fun part is that all of the ultrasounds will be on the same day that we take my weekly bump pic, so we'll have a side-by-side comparison of my growth and the baby's.

I'm feeling so much better about everything. It's so wonderful to be able to share with all of you, especially since we haven't told anyone in RL yet. 

Thanks again and I hope you're all having a good Monday!

p.s. I'll scan my u/s pic and PIP when I get home later today!

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