Upstate NY Babies

Potty training and overnight peeing.

So we are still working on potty training with Eve. she does pretty good if we are home and she is in undies but if she's in a diaper or pullup she will pee in them.. which is understandable.

But the problem I'm having is that 3 out of the past 4 or 5 nights she's soaked through her diaper at night.. Its almost like she's not peeing enough during the day or something so she soaks at night. She almost always goes on the potty right before bed. (although I don't think she went last night now that I'm thinking of it, we tried but she didn't go). She hadn't been soaking through diapers at night in ages.. I had even switched out of the overnight diapers but I guess I am switching back since I am not going to keep changing and washing her sheets daily. 

Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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