January 2012 Moms

Add me to the list! (previous m/c mentioned)

Hi my name is Britany and I have an almost 3 year old ds.  DH and I have been trying for #2 since January of 2010, we had an early loss in March 2010 and a late 1st trimester missed m/c in November 2010.  

 I wasn't going to test until tomorrow, I am being followed by an RE because of my losses and he has me on progesterone supplements.  Well I found out last cycle that for me they stop AF from coming and give me artificially high temps when charting so I opted for betas at 13 DPO to confirm BFP or BFN so I knew whether or not to stop supplements.   

Anyway I woke up this morning and just had that feeling that I should test today and I'm so glad I did!   I got a positive on an internet cheapie then ran to the store to get a FRER and a digital, which both came back BFP!  Today has been so much more exciting than if I wouldn't have tested!

 DH is offshore and doesn't even know yet!  I'm hoping and praying for a very sticky baby this time around!  My EDD is Jan 17th.   We probably won't be announcing IRL for a while.  

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