Upstate NY Babies

XP: On bed rest for the duration.

Hi ladies!

On Thursday night I  noticed a little bleeding and called my midwife.  We were supposed to be driving to Maine in the morning and she just wanted to make sure everything was fine, so she sent me over to Bellevue to be monitored.  When I got there the blood ended up being nothing, but they discovered that for some reason I am already 3 cm dilated!  Obviously this is less than ideal, so they kept me overnight and gave me steroid shots to help the baby's lungs develop just in case.  I haven't been having contractions, so they have no idea why I am dilating, so the doc decided I should go on bed rest until this little one arrives.

So far it hasn't been too bad, but it has only been a couple of days.  Wish me luck that I don't lose my mind and that I can keep this kid cooking for another 6 weeks or so.
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