January 2012 Moms

The WORST Pregnancy Symptom of them all...

Is WORRY.  2nd time around, and although it is nice to know what to expect and having gone through this once before...it also sucks now I have something to compare things to.

Took a test about 11 DPO (last Tuesday). A faint, but BFP.  Felt pretty queasy and had a hungover feeling along with pregnancy brain for about 2 days and thought, "YEP.  Just how I remember it with my first pregnany."  NOW, I'm feeling nothing...not even tired.  For the first week or so with my first pregnancy, my boobs were killing me...cramping, quesy,exhausted.  I took another test this morning (period was due yesterday and of course never showed), and the line was still pretty faint.  I wanted the reassurance and a nice dark line smiling back at me, but that didn't happen...it was still pretty faint. 

I know everything is out of my control at this point.  But I officially have the worst symtpom of them all...WORRY.

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