January 2012 Moms

Hi Everyone! An anxious intro...

Hello fellow Moms and Moms to be! I'm Niki and am slightly more than just a tiny bit anxious about joining, but I'm beyond excited and wanted to share with others feeling the same way! My husband and I had been trying to conceive naturally since 2009 and had been meeting with fertility specialists when we suprisedly conceived naturally! I want to tell the world, and we've already shared with our families, figured they should know now no matter what happens, and we REALLY wanted to share! Can't wait until I can relax a bit, as it still doesn't feel real. ( Although the fatigue and nausea most certainly are!) My due date is Jan 2nd, although I'm a middle school teacher and am praying that the count is off and this little peanut comes earlier, so I can have my two weeks of winter break off as well! A girl can dream, right? 
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