January 2012 Moms

Have you taken your first belly pics yet? Lol

I was a lot heavier when I took my first preg belly pic with DD so it wasn't the most flattering.  I have actually a pretty fat stomach right now (first time in my entire life since early childhood!) and I am actually really sad about losing it.  I've only had a flat belly for a year and now it's going to get so stretched out :(  I even bought a pair of jeans on thursday in my lowest size EVER that were tight, but fit. Since I've been exercising I knew I could make them a perfect fit with toning a little more.  Well I guess I'll be returning those now!  Doubt I'll be getting any smaller anytime soon now. 

Bye Bye nice tummy....and I feel kinda silly taking a "pregnancy" pic of a belly that doesn't look pregnant!

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