January 2012 Moms

Tips on controlling Bloating

I found this and wanted to share! I thought it was interesting Smile

  1. Eat right and drink plenty of water to avoid constipation during pregnancy which can aggravate bloating.
  2. Opt for smaller meals that don't overload your digestive system. Aim for six small meals a day, rather than three large ones.
  3. Slow down (see, your mom was right). When you eat too quickly, you often swallow air, which can form gas pockets in your belly. Chew food thoroughly to give digestion a head start ? not only will you make your mother happier, but your tummy as well.
  4. Try to relax. Tension can also cause you to swallow air, both during meals and during the day. Don't talk turkey over your turkey sandwich if it'll get you stressed.
  5. Stick to your pregnancy diet and avoid gassy foods such as cabbage, beans, fried foods, onions, or anything that affects your particular digestive tract in a painful or musical manner.

HTH and GL everyone!!


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