Upstate NY Babies

Thank You note confession's the deal. I have been out of it since we moved - SO SO busy and now I am trying to handle all of the EI and therapy stuff with Evan. It has been crazy. I am treading water with no help and by the time the kids are in bed and DH and I eat..I c-r-a-s-h hard.

We had Leah's birthday party two weeks after we moved in. I wrote thank you cards over the next couple of weeks but we had no stamps and I didn't address them. Time flew by and they are still sitting here. I finally bought stamps last week.

Would you send them out three months later? Hehe - I think I'm going to toss them. We don't usually get thank you cards for gifts to anyone it isn't like people are sitting there wondering where they are.

Yes - I could have addressed and stamped a couple in the time it took me to type this. But the ONLY thing I have energy for right now is to get a(nother) glass of wine and watch Dateline. Plus - I really think it would stand out more if I sent them out this late than not at all. Am I wrong?

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