Upstate NY Babies

House cleaner?

Does anyone have a cleaning woman they could recommend? My friend had one and she was $60 and cleaned her split level house--hardwood floors, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, threw in the laundry...and was $60. But I never liked how she cleaned. I never thought it looked like it just got cleaned, you know? On the other hand I have an aunt who is a cleaner and it is just part of who she is. Whenever she helps clean up after a holiday meal the kitchen would look different because of her touch.

I had Mary Maids come and give me an estimate and it was OK but also I didn't like the idea of a stranger coming to clean. As I grow more pregnant and work full time and take care of DS I am starting to think that I could forget about cleaning for a little while.

Anyway, if you have a cleaner to recommend, I live in Fairport if that helps.


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