January 2012 Moms

Need Help!

So H and I have a roommate, a leftover from the bachelor pad this house used to be that's gotta move out by November due to us having a baby. He's normally a good roommate, minds his own business, pays his share on time, that kind of thing but today, today is a different story.

He is blasting out The Lonely Island songs. If you know who I'm talking about, they are funny, good songs but today, I'm not in the mood for it. I've got better, louder speakers AND a sub-woof in my office connected to my computer.

Here's where y'all come in! I need help choosing songs that are going to make him grit his teeth. I'm already playing n'sync, backstreet boys, old brittany spears, and old christina aguilara... I'm running out of ideas and songs now! I'm talking pop songs, boy bands, anything to make his ears bleed.

Thanks :)

the LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalms 34:18
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11/27/10-BFP, EDD 8/9/11 || 1/4-7/10- missed m/c 9wks
4/25/11- BFP , EDD 1/5/12
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