January 2012 Moms

Update In A Nutshell

Ok so many things have happened recently that I haven't been on the board at all. So bare with me as this may be an overload.

 1) First doctor appointment today, just did a urine sample (came back positive) and then he poked my belly, asked family history and told my husband what to expect of me:)  So we walked out happy and just living day  by day!

2) Yesterday my husband accepted a job that will require us to relocate to Illinois.  We currently reside in Kansas (8 hour drive)  They would like him to start June 1 (the beginning of their fiscal year). So in the next 3 weeks we will be trying to apply for a mortgage, find a house and close by June 1st.  Think it will happen?  I don't - but the company will put us up in a hotel until we can move in.  And they are moving for us so we don't have to lift a finger.

 To say the least I am a little stressed, last two nights I haven't been able to sleep from 2-5.  My doctor didn't do anything but confirm I was pregant, no blood work :( and I told him I was not having any symptoms hardly and he was ok with that. 

I just hope that someone start the "Prayer Chain" monday morning if I do not have it up by 10 am Central Time.  I hope to but things are very manic lately.  And to top it off our parents don't know that we are pregnant so they don't have any idea  how much our lives have been flipped on their side.  Soon....soon.  

Hope you ladies are doing good...i need to catch up on this board!

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