Upstate NY Babies

TGIF!! Weekend plans?

Anything exciting going on this weekend?

Tonight: Laundry and listening to the hockey game after DD goes to bed.

Saturday: Out to breakfast.  DH has to work on the truck.  I'll take DD grocery shopping with me.  Nothing else is planned.  Hopefully it will be nice so we can play outside or go to the park.  Listening to the hockey game at night (if the Sens lose tonight).

Sunday: Out to breakfast with my Mom & Grandma.  Then I'm taking some "me time" to go get a haircut, get measured for bras and go to Target.  I think we'll be going to the ILs for dinner.

Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!!

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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