January 2012 Moms

Update to: "Good feeling's Gone"

My appointment was at 2:15 today, and the pregnancy test at the dr. came up positive (which, of course it would. I had this weird feeling it wouldn't be though). 

I told them about the bleeding/spotting and they got me in for a U/S. My gestational sac is measuring at 5 w 6 days (which I thought I was 5w3d so that's a good sign), and there was a yolk sac, but they weren't able to see anything else. So my dr basically said it's 50/50.

I go back Tuesday for another U/S, where he said he should be able to see a kiddo snuggled up in that yolk sac, and a flicker of a heart rate. If he doesn't, he said it's probably an abnormal pregnancy, and will miscarry (if I don't over the weekend). 

Thanks again for all of yalls thoughts, prayers, and crossed fingers! I guess I'll be waiting it out a few more days until a) I see more red blood, and a lot of it... or b) nothing happens, and maybe this baby is a sticky one.


My Chart
Married 4/18/09
BFP #1 4/23/11, EDD 1/4/12::No heartbeat @9 wks::D&C 6/1/11
BFP #2 10/07/11
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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