Upstate NY Babies

So, I kind of don't like my new stroller.

I thought I loved it....but I don't. I have put it on CL to see if I get any hits, and I have my eye in the 2011 BJ City Mini Double that is on sale on Amazon for $299.

Mine is big and bulky....which doubles will be. But the seats sort of tip towards the center. There is nothing between the 2 seats to keep them stable. This also causes the sun shades to catch on one another. The 2 safety lock things on the sides don't stay engaged, and the fabric that velcros over the side doesn't stay on.

I want to like it.....I will deal with it if I can't sell it. Dh is annoyed about me not being happy with it. 

I am bummed and have buyers remorse. Boo. 

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