Upstate NY Babies

How long does it take your LO to settle down at night?

Once we mastered sleep training by 7-8 months, Stella would still take up to 20 minutes to settle down for bed.  She wouldn't cry, just whine and babble herself to sleep.  We instilled a 20 minute rule before going to rock her unless she was full out crying b/c most nights she'd be alseep by 19 minutes. 

Lately she's been taking up to 40 minutes to fall asleep, not getting to sleep much before 8:00 when her usual time is 7:15-7:30.  And she's been crying enough that we go in and rock her once or twice before she finally settles down.  She's also been crying out/whining more in the middle of the night which is unusual, too. 

I'm sort of thinking maybe separation anxiety?  Or we just need to get better at settling her down more before her bottle and bed time.  Thoughts?

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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